Good Morning Gato # 90 – Deals and Steals!
Gato loves to lick condensation off the bottom and sides of cold glasses. She stalks her prey, ever the sleek and clever huntress.
Gato loves to lick condensation off the bottom and sides of cold glasses. She stalks her prey, ever the sleek and clever huntress.
Whoops! Looks like this is our first post since our April Fool’s Day joke. Yes, you read that correctly: joke. I was surprised by the number of people we actually fooled but hey–it was a really, really sweet jet ski mock up. Anyway, we had an amazing PAX East last weekend… Read More
Remember mediastuffthings? Well, our unprecedented investment in the stuff has yielded something pretty rad: a trailer. It’s after the break!
Somehow, I am risen. With Gato’s help, and a solid week of sleep, I seem to be back among the living. At least, enough to write a Good Morning Gato.
Gato is always battling her inner demons. In the photo here, and from time to time, she viciously attacks the bottom step of the stairs to the basement. We’re not sure if something in her little kitty brain is broken or perhaps if the bottom step has ghosts in it.