Good Morning Gato #66 – Supernatural Derp Cat!
Gato is good at not only being a derp cat but also being a supernatural derp cat!
Gato is good at not only being a derp cat but also being a supernatural derp cat!
Gato loves to sit on her newly constructed cube perch and watch us work. And work is getting done! Today’s GMG, and probably from now on, is going to be a little different. Don’t fret your pretty little head: adorable Gato pictures will continue as always but we figured we’d… Read More
Welcome back to another edition of Good Morning Gato. As we reorient to the work space of our basement-studio, we get back into gear working on Charlie Murder and the newly announced Z0MB1ES (on teh phone). Neko went missing yet again while we were in L.A. but was found on… Read More
Although we know our teaser site must have left everyone in a state of suspense and confusion because no one could have possibly guessed what our secret surprise was, you may now exhale as we reveal to you Z0MB1ES (on teh ph0ne)!
While the rest of us at Ska Studios are buzzing around, preparing for E3 events and festivities, Gato relaxes and watches us work. Her new favorite place to snooze is the life-size Companion Cube I made, for obvious reasons.