Z0MB1ES!!1 (on teh ph0ne): The Happening
That’s right, Ska Studios’ third XBLA-enabled release is dropping exclusively on your Windows Phone January 4th. It’ll be three dollars. It has achievables. More info? You know you want it:
That’s right, Ska Studios’ third XBLA-enabled release is dropping exclusively on your Windows Phone January 4th. It’ll be three dollars. It has achievables. More info? You know you want it:
This picture is real. It really happened.
Gato is awesome. This is a picture of her. That’s right, just cute little Gato and EVERYONE FREAK OUT THE GROUNDSTALKER HAS ARRIVED
Neko and Gato are incredibly cute, aren’t they? Sometimes it’s as though they are posing for my incessant photographs. Other times, they immediately stop what they’re doing to evade the capturing of their souls no matter how adorable I find them.
Gato is really weird. That’s all I can really say. She spent 15 minutes attacking the fringe of the rug with all her might and then spent the next five furiously trying to get under it. She seems to have won whatever imaginary battle was going on.