Good Morning Gato #157 – Spring Cleaning
It’s spring and it’s glorious, but that also means it’s time to clean up. All of us, Gato included, would rather stare out the window than give the house a cleaning overhaul.
It’s spring and it’s glorious, but that also means it’s time to clean up. All of us, Gato included, would rather stare out the window than give the house a cleaning overhaul.
Good morning! Or should I say good afternoon, possibly evening, Gato! We haven’t posted a GMG in a while but better late than never, right? We have been mighty busy with GDC and SXSW so here’s a recap of what we’ve been up to.
It’s February! Love is in the air! Or is it lick is on the finger? Yea, probably that.
The end of January means a number of things. The first, possibly most awesome thing is that it’s my birthday! The second is that convention season is coming up. We have our first lined up convention coming up this March. We hope to see you there! More on that after the break.