
Status Update!

James posted on in Developing, The Dishwasher · 15 Comments »

To divert your attention from the late night rant below, here’s a Dishwasheriffic status update: The Dishwasher has a million, billion bugs.  I’m fixing them all very quickly. The GDC build of The Dishwasher was sort of slow.  The frame rate hovered around 30.  This has been fixed–it’s now a… Read More

XNA Development

James posted on in C#, Developing, T-Shirts · 2 Comments »

George Clingerman, a Microsoft MVP who runs the excellent XNA Development XNA tutorials site, was kind enough to support my little enterprise by purchasing a Dishwashirt.  Here he is: If you haven’t bought a Dishwashirt, it’s not too late!  Visit the Ska Studios store and buy a Dishwashirt today! Also,… Read More

I've Been Immortalized!

James posted on in Developing, The Dishwasher, XNA · 2 Comments »

I’ve been immortalized in webcomic format, thanks to Raven Perez over at God Mode. Check it out! I had no idea I was so pale and… well… vampire-like, but I think I can live with it. Funny stuff (based on a true story, in fact). Thanks, Raven!