Good Morning Gato #154 – Becoming Self Aware

South by Southwest

We are now making plans for the first ever Ska Studios trip to South by Southwest. It’ll also be our first time in Texas, so we’re doubling down on our monthly King of the Hill marathons to achieve maximum preparedness. Most importantly, we’ll be showing off Salt and Sanctuary! The event is March 13-15th.
We are also pleased to announce that we have been nominated for a SXSW Gaming Award! We’re up against some pretty great games and the competition will be stiff. If you’ll be at the show, we’d love it if you would stop by, say hi, check out Salt and Sanctuary and cast your vote! And, as always, whatever you can do to spread the Word of Salt is deeply appreciated.
FAQ Page
I’m putting together a FAQ page, which links from our About Page. As always, you can hop on our Friday dev stream and ask us those burning questions at 1pm PST! If you can’t make the stream, throw us those questions using #askskastudios on Twitter and we’ll try to get to them on the stream which you can watch later from our past Twitch highlights.
More Sweet Information
If you can’t get enough of us talking, here are a few interviews we’ve been a part of!