Good Morning Gato #139 – Gato Under the Christmas Tree

Ever since we put up the tree earlier this week, Gato has been spending just about every moment under it. There must be something cozy and comforting about plastic pine needles, a velvety tree skirt and paper-wrapped packages. Actually, that sounds nice. If you need me, I’ll be under the tree, too.

Speaking of cozy, we’ll be getting TV!&SR back up into peer review sometime tomorrow so we’ll link you once it is for anyone who has a Creator’s Club membership and wants to help review.
Charlie Murder has won the Gamerheadquarters Video Game Awards for Downloadable Game of the Year! Sweet!
Check out their other awards and website HERE!
Store Upgrade
As I also posted last week, the new store is open! It’s so pretty! The URL,, should also work now, which is extra awesome. Don’t forget to select a signing option when adding those posters or vinyls or if you just want it blank, that’s cool too.
Laying Down Some Ground Rules
This should also be completely obvious but I’m going to spell it out anyway. Most of you are great, awesome folks. However, there are the few out there who aren’t so nice and for them, I’ve added a small new rule to our About Page. The simple rule is: don’t be rude. Constructive criticism and concerns are always welcome but just remember, there are other really real people on the other side of the computer monitor. For real! Let’s always be courteous to one another and enjoy our passion for games together. It’s the Ska-bro way.