I’m Charlie Murder!

(Protip: the embedded video is small. Watch it on YouTube for extra definition!)
Who’s Charlie Murder?
We’ve got a site: www.imcharliemurder.com. Currently it’s just got the trailer and some sweet screens, but we promise to get it all sorts of updated with bios, wallpapers, and music.
PAX East Bound
Like the trailer? Play the game! Hate the trailer? You are wrong, sir or madam. Anyway, we’re demoing an awesome Charlie build at PAX in less than a week! It’s 4 player coop (and we have drop-in working!), so bring your friends and help us make the game!
Along with the new Charlie Murder build, we’ll also have some sweet new shirts! We’re printing Charlie Murder shirts in green and gray for the guys and for the first time ever we’ll have a handful of ladies’ sizes in green and pink! Also, if you missed them the first time around and really, really want one, we’ve got reprints of our Vampire Smile and Z0MB1ES! shirts. We wear Ska and you should, too, Ska-bros!
Condos! Hatred! Here’s Your Good Morning Gato!
Ha! You thought our cats got along? Hoooo boy. They do not. The above picture captured a crazy deviation from the norm: the event most likely lasted well under ten seconds, after which Neko (above) would’ve begun relentlessly attempting to rid her little two story house of all traces of Gato. C’mon, cats, you’re sisters! At least pretend you love each other!