Salt and Sanctuary in Vigil!
I’m happy to announce that when fellow indie Soulslike Vigil: The Longest Night launches on October 14th, not only will owners of Salt and Sanctuary on Steam get a 10% discount, but the game also features Salt and Sanctuary crossover content! From the Steam Page:
We are proud to announce that, thanks to the wonderful people at Ska Studios, we will be including some exciting Salt and Sanctuary content! This content includes a unique questline, exciting battle against a familiar enemy, and a “unique” weapon. Owners of Salt and Sanctuary on Steam will receive an additional 10% discount on Steam from launch until the 21st of October!
Source: Salt and Sanctuary Invades Vigil!
And hey: apologies for the necro blog. Haven’t had a lot of news to share lately, but someday that should change. In the meantime, I’ve been making art on Twitter a little bit more frequently, and you can always hop in to say hi to the official Discord server!