
Salt and Sanctuary on PSVita Now!

Salt and Sanctuary is now available on PlayStation®Vita! If you don’t already own it, you can buy it on the PlayStation store here.

Update: The Europe version is now live, too!

Unfortunately, last minute issues are causing the Europe version to be delayed. We are so sorry about this delay and working to get it available as soon as possible. I’ll update here and on our social medias once we know more. Follow us at @skastudios @shelldragon @jamezila.

Cross-Buy Workaround

If you purchased Salt and Sanctuary on PS4 previously, you should be able to download the game on PSVita for free. However, we’ve been informed that this isn’t showing up for some people. Sony gave us a temporary workaround: re-downloading the game on your PS4 will cause the Vita version to unlock. Some people are also having luck queuing up the download from the PlayStation Store on the web. They’re working to get it sorted out so it just works, but the workaround at least means you won’t be buying the game twice.


While we hope everyone will enjoy our Vita launch, there are some launch issues to be aware of that Sickhead Games and we are working on.

  • Crashing in various places such as Hagar’s Cavern and Ruined Temple – looking into this asap
  • Online features, such as messages and tombstones, are disabled at the moment
  • Logos and icon on the launch loading screens flicker
  • The launch loading screen just takes too long!
  • The store is showing the game as available on PS3 – I’m told this is referencing PS3 > Vita remote play

I’ll be adding to our known issues list here as I can!

Thanks everyone and happy playing and again so many apologies for the delay and the cross-buy issue. For those who are unsure, the cross-buy promotion is through the PlayStation Network for PS4 and PSVita. Sorry for the confusion.