Good Morning Gato #156 – The Long Stare


GDC was great! We had Salt and Sanactuary at the IGN Mix and also at the PlayStation booth! We also got to hang out at Giantbomb and guide Brad and Jason through the game for this Giant Bomb Quick Look EX.

The week following GDC, we made our way to Austin, TX for South by Southwest. We had our own booth showing Salt and Sanctuary and were up for the SXSW Gamer’s Voice Award. The competition was tough with 30 other games in the running. Unfortunately, something happened and the nominees reel incorrectly listed some games and completely left off Salt and Sanctuary. The folks running SXSW Gaming were incredibly apologetic and mistakes do happen. We felt pretty sad about it at first, but it’s all OK now as long as the game comes out and everyone loves it!
We also got to do a streamed interview with Geek and Sundry! Check that out!
I’ve been meaning to post about Fextralife for a while now. Here, I finally am getting to it! Firstly, here’s an interview with Cas. Secondly, we have also been working together to get a Salt and Sanctuary forum started on the Fextralife forums! Check it out and make a post! After that, they’ll get a Salt and Sanctuary Wiki going. It’ll be awesome!
The Zero Review
The Zero Review got to check out Salt and Sanctuary at GDC and posted this hands on preview. A few weeks later, Justin posted our interview with him! Check it out!