Good Morning Gato #144 – GDC and Adventures

Wow. It has been a while. We were able to hit GDC and Emerald City Comic Con this month, where massive business-fun-gaming times were had all around.
GDC Developments
Hopefully we saw you at GDC, and hopefully we were super nice to you! (If yes on the former and no on the latter, well, we must extend our humblest apologies.) We had an excellent GDC, and we had a bunch of get togethers relating to things we are not talking about yet. Because we obviously haven’t just been working on a patch and a port and nothing else since last summer. Suffice it to say, we’re excited about next gen consoles.
Comparative Research
Dark Souls was one of our favorite games in the last few years, so it should come as no surprise that we’re pretty enamored by its long awaited amazing sequel. Despite the massive controversy surrounding the vanishing trailer masks, Dark Souls II is an incredibly rich and rewarding game, and we can’t recommend it enough. NG+, here we come!
Remember Those Ska Shirts?

Remember those Ska Studios logo shirts folks said they wanted? Well they are available and waiting to be worn by you! So cool!
The Dishwasher by MPR ART Hallucinations

“The Dishwasher” by MPR ART Hallucinations is now playable through his website. Just scroll down to “The Dishwasher” or clicky clicky to play. The game is releasing today on Desura.
Your Common Questions
Your most commonly asked question is:
Q: Charrlieee Murderrr Patchhh??
A: So, up until about a week ago, the patch was stuck at this bizarre engineering hurdle (basically, the “patched” Charlie was insta-crashing), but now, thanks to a helpful dude from the team-formerly-known-as-XBLA, that’s all sorted. Next up: testing!
This is a little past due but here are some links, ahoy!
30 Plus Gamer’s review of TIME VIKING!!!!! ANDSPACERAPTOR