Good Morning Gato #141 – Taking Down the Tree

Today is a quick post. This week was busy and fun and totally devoid of taking down Christmas decorations. At least the lights are unplugged!
Steam Dev Days
We were there and it was awesome. We were graciously gifted a Steam Machine and Steam Controller to play with, we got to meet all sorts of amazing people, and we learned earnestly and partied heartily in nearly equal parts. What were we doing at Steam Dev Days you might ask? We were getting pumped about Vampire Smile on Steam. It is going to happen, we just can’t tell you when yet. If it’s taking longer than you’d like, I’m sorry, but remember: delayed gratification is a good thing! (According to a science man, people who are able to handle it are generally more successful in their adult life)
Time Viking Stuff
Here’s a Time Viking review on Real Gamer Newz and here’s a written interview James provided the answers for on the same site.