Good Morning Gato #140 – Happy Mew Year!

Happy New Year, every Ska-bro! We had a super great New Year’s Eve. I hope you did, too.

TIME VIKING!!!!!ANDSPACERAPTOR Launches Just Before The End of 2013!
At 5:15 PM PST on 12/31/13, TV!&SR became the last GAME OF THE YEAR 2013! There might be other last games of 2013 but let’s just pretend it’s TIME VIKING!!!!!AND SPACE RAPTOR!
In the wee hours of Thursday morning, I posted our official launch trailer. Here it is officially again:
It seems TV!&SR are already getting quite a bit of love:
- RealGamerNewz
- Indie Statik
- Kill Screen
- Destructoid
- Gameplay video by Splazer Productions:
- Shack News
- Indie
- Joystiq
I think @Slackerchan is legally required to buy TIME VIKING!!!!!ANDSPACERAPTOR. given his love for I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MBIES 1N IT!!!1
— Venik (@Venik_Wiles) January 3, 2014
A game that people should play is Time Viking! with Space Raptor in Xbox 360 Indie Games. Probably the best dollar I've spent recently.
— That’s right, boys. Mondo Poole. (@MondoPoole) January 3, 2014
sweet, @skastudios is already releasing games and the year barely started
— David Amador 🐙 (@DJ_Link) January 2, 2014
@skastudios My friend and I got Time viking basically a minute after it was uploaded… I love it, thanks again for the amazing indie game!
— Boχyhell (@Hellboy632789) January 2, 2014
Thanks for your love and support, everyone! Let’s make this another great year.