
Time Viking for Xbox 360!

Time Viking

Hey folks, James here! The Charlie patch has been a long time coming, but something I’ve had in my to-do queue for much, much longer is now nearly there: it’s Time Viking for Xbox 360, to be known colloquially as TIME VIKING!!!!!ANDSPACERAPTOR.  TV!&SR, the much-requested sequel to I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES 1N IT!!1, once available only for Windows Phone, is now in XBLIG peer review and needs 12 people with XNA Creator’s Club to give it the thumbs up.


Be a viking! Be a raptor! It’s two player side scrolling mind expanding twin stick shooting. He’s a viking and he travels in time, blowing up stuff with his mind.  Xbox 360 version features newcomer Space Raptor, crisp 720p @ 60 FPS visuals, and controls that are not virtual thumbpads, a feature that is particularly notable if you’ve played the Windows Phone version.  And it’ll cost a buck, of course.

Update: Whelllllp… can’t get anything right, can I? We hit a pretty easily reproducible crash, so I pulled the game from review. Resubmitting next week!