Good Morning Gato #132 – But It’s Not Friday! (Pumpkin Patterns)

What’s the deal? No GMGs the last two weeks and now a GMG not on a Friday or even in the morning?! What is this madness! Whatever the madness may be, here is a Good Morning Gato, non-Friday/non-morning edition, all about pumpkins and merch store stuff.

This is Halloween
A few Halloweens ago, I posted some Ska Studios related pumpkin carving patterns! I’d like to reintroduce those patterns for all your pumpkin massacring needs. If you get some pumpkins cut up in the shape of something Ska Studios, I’d love to see them and share them! Please send them my way to michelle (@) ska-studios (.) com!
For directions on how to use a pumpkin pattern, check out this video HERE!
And for the more complex patterns, here’s how to carve in layers: RIGHT HERE!
Here are the original patterns:
Original Patterns include:
The Dishwasher Pumpkin
Yuki Pumpkin
Cat Pumpkin
Crow Pumpkin
Vampire Smile Pumpkin
Z0MB1ES Angry Face Pumpkin
Charlie Murder PunKin
Lester Deth PunKin
Tommy Homicide PunKin
Rexicutioner PunKin
Skelekitten PunKin
And here are some simplified patterns to make your carving experience a little easier:
Simple Patterns include:
The Dishwasher Pumpkin
Yuki Pumpkin
Cat Pumpkin
Crow Pumpkin
Z0MB1ES Angry Face Pumpkin (not gettin’ any simpler)
Charlie Murder PunKin
Lester Deth PunKin
Tommy Homicide PunKin
Rexicutioner PunKin
Skelekitten PunKin
Merch Store Break
The merch store will be on a delay from October 15th (tomorrow) to October 30th. You can still place orders but just know that shipping will be delayed until after the 30th! Check out that sweet merch HERE! If you want your goods sooner, you’ll need to place those orders tonight(14th) or tomorrow(15th)! Thankssss!