Good Morning Gato #130 – We Hear Ya

We’ve gotten a lot of feedback about Charlie Murder since launch. We’ve received lots of positive feedback, a few unexpected reactions, and quite a few bugs. Today, I want to respond to some of that feedback and let you know: “we hear ya”.
AGH! Bugs!
Like all software, Charlie Murder has bugs. I wish I could say it were possible to have a complete 100% bug-free game but it really isn’t. You can test night and day until your eyes bleed and still miss things. Here are some of the issues we’ve found:
- Netcode: This is probably the biggest pain in our sides. Networking in the real world is incredibly hard to duplicate in the test environment. We tested playing over the internet a ton before launch with different throttling test techniques and still were unable to predict what would happen in the real world. There’s a reason many games cut out online play before the end of their development cycle. We’re going to work this one out as best we can but it will also be the most challenging bug to fix.
- Private matches: Currently, private matches aren’t working as intended. They’re acting just like open matches that anyone can join. Obviously, we’re going to fix this.
- “I’m Thorough”: You can obtain 54/55 relics in the current, live Charlie Murder but there is one final relic, the Jeweled Cross, that never drops. When we fix this, we’ll likely just drop the relic requirement to 54 so anyone who signs in after downloading the title update will get the Achievement.
- Top Leaderboard numbers are not displaying properly: You’re all too good at the game! The numbers have gotten so huge that they no longer appear on the top of the Leaderboards.
- “You are not signed into LIVE” message displays: This is a pesky bug unique to XNA-made games. To our knowledge, there’s nothing we can do to stop it. There is a work around however: simply sign out and back into your profile within the game and the problem should sort itself out for that play session.
- Alt bands’ top of head sometimes shows as original band members’ top of head: This is an annoying little bug we thought we squashed in development but it looks like it’s sometimes still happening.
- Tommy and Rex can use grab to fly across the screen: Yup and it’s freakin’ hilarious. We’re calling it a feature and leaving it in.
We’ll be working on a title update as best we can. The process is a slow and careful one, especially on Xbox Live Arcade. After all, you don’t want to push an update just to have your console brick. Thank you for your feedback and patience. We’ll keep you updated on new developments.
Those Vinyls
Remember these?

Yea, us too. We want them back and we know you want them. Ever since we discovered the printing defect, however, I had to take them down from the merch site and it makes me incredibly sad. We’ve attempted contacting and working with the printers but so far it’s been difficult. We may have to go to a new printer but never fear, we will get these back up ASAP.
Charlie Murder and crew make a cameo appearance in Steger Games‘ Mount Your Friends! Use the code “PUNKRAWK” to unlock the male band members. Dirty.