Ska Studios Acquired by Twisted Pixel

In the wake of our recent Charlie Murder media drop, I’m pleased to announce that Ska Studios LLC has been acquired by Twisted Pixel! After months of rather pleasant negotiations, it is official. Full release after the break.
The idea started as a joke, but in time it became pretty clear to both studios that a buyout would be mutually beneficial.
“They usually get us to buy them dinner at PAX, and believe me, those dinners start to add up, so we finally crunched the numbers and discovered it would be cheaper to just acquire them outright” said Mike Wilford, Twisted Pixel’s Chief Officer of Mergers and Development.

“We’re excited about the buy-out, and busy planning for future prospects,” said Ska Studios’ Lead Dishwasher James Silva, who evidently will stoop so far as to plagiarize a buy-out response. Really?!
The well-publicized acquisition of Twisted Pixel by Microsoft Studios led to complications in the Ska Studios acquisition, but the wrinkles ultimately became beneficial: while Twisted Pixel Ska will retain the Twisted Pixel branding, 100% of the ownership will fall to Twisted Pixel’s Assistant Chief User Error Analyst, Mike Henry.
“I’m honestly not sure what happened, something to do with the Scope of Clausal Limitations I think, but this is fine. It’s like owning a team of Roombas, only they have feelings, and can learn human emotions.” Said Henry, tearing up. “Like love.”
Henry says he plans to use his newfound minions primarily to create “Flash and XBLIG games as gifts for relatives, mostly.”