Good Morning Gato # 86 – Ska Bro

Greetings, Ska Bros. Inspired by a comment the other week, that is what we’re calling all of you now, so I hope you like it.
GDC Talkery
GDC. It is happening. Very soon. In less than two weeks, James will be giving his Vampire Smile postmortem which now has a specific date and time! On Thursday, March 8th from 2:30- 3:30 in Room 2022, West Hall, 2nd Floor, if you’re attending GDC, you should definitely come see us and watch James nervously talk to a crowd of people! If you are a GDC party planner, invites to parties would be more than awesome!
Speaking of Z0MB1ES
We’re still getting a few articles here and there covering Z0MB1ES (on teh phone). If you have a Windows Phone and haven’t snagged it yet, maybe these will help you make that download:
That’s it for now. One of these weeks we’ll have time for a more substantial blog post. In the meantime, it’s work work work on Charlie Murder!