Good Morning Gato # 81 – Love Hurts

Gato is a very affectionate cat but sometimes her bear hugs also involve claws and pain. It’s a good hurt though. Right?
A Touch of Vampire Smile
The other weekend, James and I helped out with Horrible Night’s charity marathon by playing some ZP2KX. Wednesday they posted aThe Dishwasher: Vampire Smile review video! Yay for Vampire Smile love!
Just to set some facts straight though, Charlie Murder is not anywhere near done. Our playable demo at PAX Prime was pretty awesome but we still have a lot of work to do!
More Dead Pumpkins
As promised, I finished another pumpkin carving:

I also put a fun color changing light in the Z0MB1ES Pumpkin which you can see a video of here.
Much to my excitement, someone else also made a Z0MB1ES angry face jack-o’-lantern! The video of the entire carving can be found here. Yay!
There’s still time to make yourself a Dishwasher or Charlie Murder pumpkin freehand or using these patterns. Send them to michelle AT ska-studios DOT com! If for some reason you are adverse to carving up live pumpkins, there’s always those Funkin things you can find in craft stores.