Good Morning Gato # 79 – Perch Buddies

In order to be completely happy, cats need perches. Neko and Gato have numerous perches around the house at their disposal but this particular morning, I found them adorably sharing the same stack of cubes. Can you say, “Awwww?”
A Charity Marathon and a ZP2KX Play Date
Don’t have any plans for this Friday night? Of course you don’t! Lucky for you, the folks at Horrible Night have a “24 Hour Charity Gaming Marathon for Child’s Play” today which includes a ZP2KX play date planned tonight at 9pm EST. James and I will be joining Andrew Cooper and Justin Lacey for a night of murderous fun. If you don’t have ZP2KX then shame on you but you can correct that by buying it for a measly 80 MSP on Indie Games. Find out more about Horrible Night’s charity marathon here!
Where’s My Charlie Murder Update?!
We’re working on it. Deal. 😀 (Happy face to lessen the blow.) We’re also working on Z0MB1ES(on teh phone). I’d like to take this time to answer a few FAQs we hear. Don’t forget we also have a Formspring for most questions.
Q: Where can I download X song?
A: All of our available Ska Studios music can be found here! It’s a pay what you want system so feel free to donate whatever amount you want, including zero dollars.
Q:Will you ever remake X game or make a sequel to X game?
A: This is the question we hear the most. No matter if it’s a remake, a sequel or a brand new game, we will always announce it when we’re ready via our social media such as this fine blog here. You can ask to your heart’s content but we’re not going to tell you until we’re good and ready. :> (Cutesy smile to lessen the blow.) When we are ready you will be sure to here about it because I’ll be spamming it on our blog, Twitter, Facebook, and so on.
Q: When will X game be done already!?
A: When it’s ready. Games take time and it’s nearly impossible to know exactly when it’ll be ready. Like the above question, we’ll tell you when we’re ready to and we’ll do our best to announce it and make sure you know. Checking back to our website here is the best way to find the latest information.
Q: How can I be more involved as a fan of Ska Studios?
A: OK, so no one really asked this but in case you are secretly wondering, there are many ways to be involved. Fan works are always one way. Sending us tweets, posting on our Facebook or asking questions on Formspring are a few other ways. If you have any suggestions as to how we can better reach out to you, please send them our way! I haven’t received new fan art in a good while and I’m craving it! Also, don’t forget there is still ample time before Halloween to carve yourself a Dishwasher or Charlie Murder pumpkin. Don’t forget to send me pics of your Jack O’Lanterns! I need them…for work purposes…