Good Morning Gato #63 – Companion Gato
While the rest of us at Ska Studios are buzzing around, preparing for E3 events and festivities, Gato relaxes and watches us work. Her new favorite place to snooze is the life-size Companion Cube I made, for obvious reasons.
Incredible WordPress Update
We updated our WordPress version to 3.1.3, and noticed, keenly, that doom did not in fact occur! Amazing! This might sound like a silly celebration, but it’s actually the first bit of site maintenance we’ve done since that talented Mr. Burg left us in charge of the site. Dustin was kind enough to hold our hands (well, not literally, that would have hampered the upgrade process), and walk us through the backup process. Fact: we’re backed up! Also, Dustin’s doing fine, thanks for asking.
Spam Blasted
May as well reiterate a friendly little PSA. The other day, James’ personal Gmail got compromised and started sending out questionable emails to his contact list. The compromise has been secured and is now under control. Hopefully, not too many were afflicted but if you were one of the lucky few, read his post on the subject and whatever you do, don’t click suspicious links! In general, it’s a good idea to not click on suspicious links even if they do come from the email of an otherwise reputable source.
Links On The Side
Speaking of suspicious links, we now have some friendly links now on our side bar that will take you to many wondrous things Ska Studios. They are 100% friendly and 0% suspicious.
Jam Packed
Ska Studios has a packed schedule this E3. We will be attending E3 itself and certain events throughout the week including the E3 Joystiq Reader Meetup from 5:30 – 9pm at La Cita Bar nearby the convention center. This will be a 21 and older event. Sorry, young folks. As we’ll be busy having a jolly good time in Los Angeles, next week’s Good Morning Gato will be on hold until the following Friday. While the blog will be relatively quiet, with the exception of a particular reveal announcement, James’ and my twitters, as always, will provide you with all the up to the second news you could want.