Good Morning Gato #61 – What You Looking At?

Anyhoo, this week we unveil the secrets behind the creation of our life-sized Violence Hammer, confirm some of our E3 plans and say “goodbye!” using third person narrative. Come on in!
Hammer Time
It’s officially official: Michelle has gone blog crazy, but in a good way, of course.
Following a detailed account of her journey to Ska Studios and all thing plushie, Michelle decided to post an intersting Weapon Smithing blog that explains the creation of the life-size Violence Hammer featured at PAX East ’11.

James models the hammer like Vanna White
Whether you want to build your very own Violence Hammer, want to learn what went into making it or just like to look at pictures of styrofoam and cats, I encourage you to click over to Michelle’s blog to get Violence Hammer educated. I’m told that plans to create a replica Dekkentozter have been put on hold indefinitely due to Gato not being a fan of water guns.
E3 Celebration
Programming note: If you’re in the Los Angeles area or will be attending E3 2011 this June, be on the lookout for Ska Studios. James, Michelle and myself will be randomly walking around downtown LA as we take in the sights and touch all those fancy E3 game things. Give us a shout out if you’ll be in the area and, if the stars align allowing for a meetup, be sure to bring a gift. Presents are always welcome.
Dustin’s Goodbye
And now for the juicy news! This blog, the one that you are reading right now will be Dustin’s last. Effective today, Dustin is no longer a part of the Ska Studios team and will be leaving for other opportunities on the west coast. He will leave behind his adoration of the indie lifestyle, his love of the Ska community and his affection for the most adorable cat ever: Gato. (He will not miss Neko, though.)
In all seriousness, working at Ska Studios for the past year and half has been an absolute blast. I got to be part of a crazy talented team, got to meet many of you at events like PAX and was fortunate enough to be a part of some stellar Ska games including ZP2KX and Vampire Smile. From hence forth, the lovely (and artistically inclined) Michelle will be taking care of you and all your digital needs, but you can still find me lurking around the internets. (blam!)
It has been a crazy fun ride and know that you will all be missed. Thanks for the continued support. Dustin out <3