Good Morning Gato #55 – Waiting For The Sixth

Happy Birthday Dead Samurai!
Twenty-four months old and doesn’t even look a day over sixteen.
Today is The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai‘s second birthday (no fools) and I can’t help but compare it to its younger, more attractive brother The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile. It isn’t fair, I know, but just look at the visuals of Dead Samurai compared to that of Vampire Smile. It’s more than obvious how much more the engine has improved this time around and how insanely awesome Vampire Smile is.
Playing favorites aside, Dead Samurai is a stellar game and will always hold a special place in our heart. Not only because it’s insanely fun (and challenging), but because it was Ska Studios’ first Xbox LIVE Arcade game that kick-started this indie operation. Happy birthday Dishwasher. Rest your dish-washing hands, because you get to take the day off.
A 24 Hour Vampire Smile Giveaway Celebration

To celebrate Vampire Smile‘s impending launch, we couldn’t think of any better way to give back to our fans than by giving away a pile of Vampire Smile game codes prior to launch day. So, that’s what we’re doing. You can get more info about our pre-launch virtual celebration right here, but the gist is this: Tuesday, April 5th, for twenty four hours, we’ll be giving dozens upon dozens of redemption codes via our Twitter and Facebook spaces. Join the fun!
We Make Dev Diary
We made a dev diary and it’s really “indie”. Some say it has an MTV Cribs, 1990’s vibe to it, but you can decide:
Fan(tastic) Art!
Thanks to the handy work of Michelle, we now have a new artsy area of the blog called The Art Unicorner! (Note its prominent location on the top nav bar. Totally legit.)
Basicially, The Art Unicorner will grow to be the place you can view anything and everything artsy, crafty and creative at Ska Studios. Right now, it’s a great place to browse the growing collection of fan art that Michelle found scattered across the internets. For the socially connected folks, we’re also housing the entire fan art gallery on the Ska Studios Facebook page. w00t!
Also, if you made (or are planning to make) some sweet Ska Studios fan art and don’t see it listed in the gallery, feel free to contact Michelle at michelle [splatter] ska-studios [dotter] com. Be creative!
April 6, 2011
And that wraps up the 55th (and final) pre-Vampire Smile release edition of Good Morning Gato. Be on the lookout for Vampire Smile reviews and a special launch trailer which will be making their way onto the world wide web early next week.
Thanks for the continued enthusiasm and support. You rock!