Good Morning Gato #52 – Feelin’ So Plushie

Adorable factor aside, this is the last Good Morning Gato blog before all of Ska Studios packs up and travels to Boston for PAX East. That also means I have a lot of news and (gamer) pictures to launch into your eyeball holes.
PAX East Is Where All The Cool Kids Hang Out
By now you probably fall into one of two categories: Those who are attending PAX East or those who are not. And even if you wanted to go from the “are not” to the “are” crowd, the show is basically sold out unless you were to win a badge from, say a contest like this one (plug, plug). For those not attending, I’m sorry. I truly am. But I must talk about all the awesome that we’ll be bringing to the show and all the awesome that you’ll be missing out on. 🙁 For those attending, this is what we have in store for you:

Let Me Break It Down
• For the first time ever, the complete The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile experience will be on display and fully playable! Dive into the campaign, jump into any of the 50 Arcade levels, give co-op a whirl or try your luck at the Dish Challenge. It’s all there, all just for you!
• Freebies galore! We’re giving away all types of Vampire Smile swag including buttons (which you have seen) and vinyl stickers (which you will see, soon’ish) and it’s all 100% free! Just stop by our booth to claim your prize. (We also have a few syringe pens, lanyards and guitar picks available in limited quantities. But you will have to impress me with your Dishwasher skills in order to get those goodies.)
• You could win a digital copy of The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile BEFORE it releases to the gaming masses! We’ll be holding a raffle every single hour, every single day of the show and be giving out prizes ranging from t-shirts to swag to a coveted pre-release code of Vampire Smile. Just fill out a raffle ticket, plop it into our magical raffle box and come back to see if you won.
• For those who have money to spend and need new wearables, we have you covered too. There are all-new Vampire Smile t-shirts for sale, our classic Z0MB1ES tee is available and the always popular Vampire Smile posters are in stock. New this year: All t-shirts are American Apparel brand and soft, if not softer than Gato’s back fur.
As is obvious by the wall of text you just read, we’re prepared and excited for PAX East. All that is left to do is figure out a way to pack up and transport the life-sized Violence Hammer without injuring ourselves or innocent bystanders.
Yes, There Is A Third Dimension
In non-PAX related news, last week, a bunch of news outlets wrote about Vampire Smile after getting some hands on time with Yuki and the gang during Microsoft’s February Showcase event. You may have read about the game’s just announced 3D support, the all-new, crazy colorful Pretty Princess difficulty or just how bloody-good the experience is. Well, it’s all true! 3D, blood, crazy combos, insane weapons, a rainbow-filled Pretty Princess difficulty and a whole lot more are part of the gaming experience that is The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile. Hopefully, you’re getting properly excited 😀

That’s it for this week’s long winded edition of Good Morning Gato. If you’re attending PAX East next weekend, come visit us at booth #607, play some Vampire Smile and snatch some swag. The entire gang will be there and we’re anticipating your arrival 😀