Good Morning Gato #39 – Eye Of Cat

Countdown to Zombies and Pterodactyls
Zombies and Pterodactyls 20XX (what all the cool kids call “ZP2KX“) is almost here! Its release is so close that I can literally hear the call of pterodactyls flying overhead in preparation for battle.
As far as I can tell, ZP2KX will release sometime next week, due in small part to a last minute bug squash. Mini delay aside, ZP2KX is still a part of the Indie Games (Winter) Uprising and will be up for download from the Xbox LIVE Indie Games marketplace for only 80 Microsoft points. While you wait, do head on over to the recenently launched where you can prepare for battle by browsing all of the tools of destruction that’ll be at your disposal. There you will also find a preview of each of the maps, information on Mutators and details on the game’s various multiplayer modes. is the place to be, so spread your pterodactyl wings and soar on over.
Oh! I almost forgot to mention that we have a game trailer too! With the launch of the new ZP2KX web hub, we also got around to putting together a fantastic game trailer. Words can’t quite describe its epic nature, so scroll down and watch it for yourself. Also, ZP2KX is featured in the collective Indie Games (Winter) Uprising trailer which can be viewed here.
That’s it for now. ZP2KX‘s release is on the horizon and you can be certain that James and I will be online ready to take you out on Xbox LIVE. We’ll see you then 😀