Good Morning Gato #36 – Our Very Own Kinectimal

It’s A Fall Sale!
There’s a chill in the air, leaves are falling from the trees and merchandise at the official Ska Studios online store is discounted by 20%. Yes, 20% off!
From now through November 30th, we’re holding a fall sale where you can grab t-shirts and single posters for 20% off the normal going rate. Just add any amount of goodies to your cart, apply coupon code SKAFALL20 to the order and you’ll instantly save some coin. We’re cleaning out our virtual warehouse to make room for new Ska branded wearables, so get to ordering and don’t forget to use coupon code:
ZP2KX Enters Playtesting (Again)
A quick note: With some MAJOR tweaks made, our upcoming Xbox LIVE Indie Game golden child, ZP2KX just entered a second round of playtesting. You’re welcome to give the game a test drive if you have a fancy
The Extermination of Vampire Smile “Crash Bugs”
I just had a brief chat with James regarding the status of the minor bug infestation in The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile. While I was unable to get an exact bug count, I can confirm that every last game-crashing bug has been squish squashed. Great success is ours.
Speaking of bugs, earlier in the week James came across a rather ridiculous Fable III glitch that basically had his character “skating” around the environment on an invisible hover board of fail. (Probably because walking animations are so “last season”.) That said, Silva promises that there will be no weird character hovering glitches in Vampire Smile, that is unless he finds a compelling reason to have Yuki’s main method of movement be hovering.
Z0MB1E Black Ops
There’s a video making the rounds today. One that’s supposedly leaked and showcasing a new game mode hidden in the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops.
The new hidden mode looks to be an old-school arcade game called Dead Ops Arcade and … well, it kind of reminds us of GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES. I can’t help but wonder if our buds at Treyarch have ever played a GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES 1N IT, because I definitely see a wee bit of it in Dead Ops Arcade . Anyway, check out the game below because it looks AH-MAZE-ING!