Good Morning Gato #33 – Hidden Stair Trap

Vampire Smile: A Non-Update Update
Dishwasher 2 development is going at an excellent pace. The game is still in the “it’s done, but there are a million things to fix,” and we’re currently focusing on Xbox Live netcode. As we’ve mentioned ad nauseam, Vampire Smile networking code has been rewritten from scratch for better performance as well as to let us play through the coop campaign over Live, but predictably there’s the odd snag or two to work out.
Skeletons Are In Season
It’s the time of year when dead stuff is celebrated and a bunch of candy is consumed. (Though, not at Ska Studios, because James dislikes delicious sweet treats. Lame.) This is also the one time of year that Ska Studios gets new decorations, which this year are a pair of hangable skeletons. Yes sir, plastic skeletons purchased from Target that are fully articulated and jointed with the finest metal keychain rings. And seeing as they’re so articulated, I felt that one of the skeletons should be posed in a constant state of face palm. It’s pure face palm genius and a work of art if I do say so myself.
This is the end. You can stop reading now. Go get some fresh air.