Good Morning Gato #26 – Cat-astrophe

The Runaway Feline
This past week, one of Ska Studios’ own felines ran away. No, it wasn’t Gato, she is way too well behaved and proper to do such a thing. The runaway was actually her sister, Neko, who you may know from her longcat cameo in the Xbox LIVE Indie Games title Zombie Smashers X4 Guitarpocalypse. Neko for whatever reason decided that there was more to life than chillin’ at Ska Studios HQ, so she jumped out an open window and into the real world sometime during the early AM hours of Saturday morning.
Days passed, Neko was still missing and she never took the time to phone home to let us know that she was okay. Very odd and very uncharacteristic of her. Interestingly enough, the famous Gato had a weird way of handling her sister’s disappearance, moping around one minute and running around joyfully the next. Truth was, both James and I missed our dear Neko and just wanted to know that she was okay and happy.
Come Tuesday, all seemed hopeless. It was agreed that Neko either hitched a ride on a Greyhound Bus (go figure) down to Nevada to became the Vegas dancer she always wanted to be or she made her journey to the golden litter box in the sky. Thankfully, we were wrong, because late Tuesday evening, after an intense thunderstorm, a ghostly white figure appeared at the screen door. It was a muddy, ragged and sad looking Neko wanting to come in. Wanting to come back to her home.
After a quick bath and a generous snack of kitty kibble, Neko was happy, healthy and extremely apologetic for running away. She never told us why she left (we didn’t ask), but she has since been forgiven and this runaway tale ends on a positive note. Gato is happy to be once again reunited with her rebel of a sister, but is suffering a minor case of jealousy due to all the attention Neko has received. Then again, she can take comfort in knowing that she’ll always be the headlining cat of Good Morning Gato.
Don’t Forget About PAX
Remember, James and I will be in Seattle from September 3rd through the 5th showing off a playable build of The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile at the Penny Arcade Expo. If you can make it (and can get your hands on a ticket), stop by booth 3010 and experience Ska Studios awesomeness.
Until next time, stay happy, stay healthy and keep your windows closed.