Good Morning Gato #20 – Poultercats!

Look At These E3 Pix
Public Service Announcement Numero Uno: We attended E3 2010 last week. We even Tweeted about our experience a bunch. Heck, earlier this week we posted a collection of our E3 pictures. So, if you have yet to browse the photographs, you’re invited to click through them now or at your earliest convenience. And, yes, we’re officially done talking about E3 2010. You’re welcome.
Discounted Goods
PSA #2: You still have time to save 10% on every item in the Ska Studios online store, but you must hurry. Come June 30th, the “SKA_001” coupon code expires and the discount mysteriously disappears.
Look! A Vampire Smile Milestone
It has been a long while since we talked Vampire Smile or even given an update on its development progress. The reason for that is complicated, so I’ll spare you the details. With that, I can confirm that one of many milestones is rapidly approaching and in a few days it will have been successfully reached and completed. (Fingers crossed.) From that, you can gather that James is in fact making progress on the game and that he is overworked and in need of quality sleep. Milestones. You gotta’ love ’em.
PAX Prime 2010
It’s with great excitement and fervor that I can confirm that this September, Ska Studios will be packing up The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile for an airplane ride to Seattle for a little shown known as PAX Prime 2010. You read that correctly. We will have a booth at PAX Prime to showcase the latest build of Vampire Smile which will actually be only the second event we have ever done.
If you will be in Seattle or can make the trip this September, there’s still time to register for the show. We’ll be there waiting for you in a totally non-creepy and professional way. See you next week!