Good Morning Gato #18 – Interactive Game Design!

Contest: Be Creative And Get Your Name In Vampire Smile
We partnered with our pals over at Destructoid to offer up a suhweet contest where YOU offer US a creative suggestion for one of Yuki’s in-game moves. Simply head over to Destructoid’s contest post where you can watch a video of Yuki in action and get all the contest rules and such (United States residents only. Sorry international friends.) One lucky winner (hand selected by Mr. Silva himself) will not only have their creative combat name included in Vampire Smile as part of Yuki’s list of brutal moves, but will also win a stellar prize pack as well as creative credit in the game’s end credits. Lifelong dream: COMPLETE!
Now, get on over to Destructoid and enter the contest, because this whole ball of wax wraps up this Sunday.
E3 Photograph Randomness
Truth be told, I have been unsuccessfully attempting to keep my E3 excitement to a quiet whisper these past few weeks. With that, you should be well aware that team Ska Studios is headed to Los Angeles for some E3 2010 happy fun times that’s sure to include sore feet and mild hangovers.
For those not be attending, we would LOVE to pack you up in our virtual luggage and bring you with for a week of gaming mayhem. To do that, just let me know what you would like us to capture at E3. Whether that be photos of the conferences, behind the scenes randomness or candid shots of Silva sound asleep in the hotel, no suggestion is too silly. Let me know and (maybe) we can set up an E3 photo gallery of fun for you to browse through in the weeks ahead.
Gone Going
That’s it for this week. Remember to jump over to Destructoid and enter that nifty Vampire Smile contest. Also, don’t forget to tell ’em Gato sent you 😉