Good Morning Gato #14 – Blerg!

Charlie Murder Joins Team XBLA
On Wednesday, we were finally able to clear up the release confusion surrounding Charlie Murder. As the story goes, Charlie Murder was announced back in January as an Xbox LIVE Indie Games title for release in March. Time went on, we showcased the game at PAX East and, well … March came and went. At that time lots of folks were understandably perplexed by the lack of information. But now we can stand up on our soap box to proudly talk about the “whys” that answer the “whats” and “whens”.
Over the past few months, we were able to strike a new deal with the band and bring Microsoft on board to publish the Charlie Murder story to the big leagues; the Xbox LIVE Arcade. The terms of the deal are not being made public, but what we can confirm is that the entire Charlie Murder crew is heading to the Happy Times Recovery Center in Atlantic City to complete a mandatory one year rehab stint. You can read more about the announcement as well as Charlie’s reaction to the partnership via this press release.

We also wanted to let everyone know that the transition from Indie Games to Xbox LIVE Arcade means that the scope of the project has changed dramatically. James will be working with the band to create way more content than was originally planned and at a scale worthy of the Xbox LIVE Arcade. The only negative in this ball of happiness is that all of these changes, mixed with the band’s rehab commitment, have resulted in the game being pushed back to 2012. So, if we survive the predicted end of the world, we all will be experiencing the truly epic punk rock story that is Charlie Murder. It’s a long wait, but one that is well worth it.
Amazing $5 Wall Art Is $5!
If you haven’t recently had the chance to virtually window shop the Ska Studios online store, be sure to do so now. We took your feedback into consideration and discounted all posters to $5 and the double pack to an affordable $7. That’s a crazy fantastic deal if I do say so myself. Now most everyone can afford to plaster one or two walls full of Vampire Smile or Charlie Murder poster art. Enjoy.
Dead Samurai Was #1!
As if this week’s Good Morning Gato hasn’t already been full of BIG news, we have one more informative jewel of knowledge to drop on you.
Thanks to your support, the support of friends and Gato fans alike, last week’s Deal of the Week launched The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai into the XBLA sales stratosphere! After the numbers were calculated, we are proud to announce that Dead Samurai claimed the number one XBLA sales spot for the week of April 26th. w00t!
Thanks for your continued support as we know all of the old-school and brand new The Dishwasher fans will absolutely love what we’re doing with the Vampire Smile sequel. Trust that and have a grandtastic weekend!