The PAX East 2010 Wall of Greatness
In our blog that recapped the team’s PAX East experience, we totally forgot to mention the official Ska Studios PAX East 2010 “Wall of Greatness”. What’s this “Wall” you ask? Well, fine sir or ma’am, the Wall of Greatness was our graffiti-inspired community PAX project where we asked everyone who came by our booth to autograph, leave a note or doodle on our white sheets of tag board. What we didn’t realize was that a large number of the gaming population absolutely LOVES putting Sharpie to paper. Initially we thought our Wall would encompass one sheet, but by the time PAX wrapped, we had four sheets filled with community doodlings.
We made a promise to those who took the time mark our Wall of Greatness that not only would we hang it up at Ska Studios HQ, but that we would post photos of the Wall online. So, below you’ll find the Wall of Greatness (more pages after the break) in all its clickable, hi-res glory. Feel free to navigate through the pages and know that without you we would not have such an absolutely stellar keepsake to decorate Ska Studios.